What if… you could create a life with abundance, joy, and freedom after years of living where everyone else’s needs came before yours?

What if… you could stop living on autopilot and create magic for yourself?

What if… you could use your intuition to tap into your genius?

Feel abundant in a life you love.

Powerfully create the relationships you’ve always wanted.

Experience health and vitality.

You know you feel sad and depressed but can’t seem to find a way through it.

You know you have accomplished some really good things in your life, but you still feel like you’re

not good enough, not worthy, or not capable.

You know you’ve not made yourself a priority, and you’ve lost your vitality, but you don’t

know how to shift it.

You know your relationships are pretty good, but they are not growing and thriving.

Has self-sabotage been a backseat passenger in your life?

Have you lived with negative thoughts and feelings holding you back for years?

Others look at your life and from the outside it looks enviable, but you

don’t feel connected to it on the inside. You want more…

The truth is… you can have more.

You can have the life you love…

You can have the fulfillment you have been searching for. Your life can be better than you ever imagined.

You can wake up each morning, ready to take care of your body because you know how good it feels.

You can wake up each morning without anxiety, ready to choose the experiences you’d love to have.

You can let go of the negative self-talk, the constant mental chatter that ‘you’re not good enough’.

You can wake up each morning knowing how to connect to your higher self and your intuition so it’s easy to make decisions that lead you to what you love.

You can wake up each morning knowing you have the skills to foster your relationships in a way that guarantees success.

And you know how to interact with others without being overly empathic, so you feel energized and focus on the important things in your life.

It is possible to create a life that you love.


This is for you if…

You’re ready to let go of the negative feelings that have held you back from

experiencing more abundance, freedom, and joy.

You are ready to step into your own authority and go to the next level.

You are ready to stop trying to fix yourself, and start to vision a life worth living.

You’ve tried it all and nothing has worked…

You are ready to live a life you love.

I know what it’s like to feel the frustration of wanting to change and see results, only to fall back on old patterns. I’d tried everything I could think of to solve the overwhelming feeling of sadness over not having a life I loved.

I took course after course, retreat after retreat… to get rid of my negative thoughts and feelings. I spent a lot of money on therapy, courses, and retreats. I tried affirmations, studied the Law of Attraction, exercised, read tons of self-help books, took prescription meds, meditated, chanted, changed my diet, and on and on and on.

Perhaps like you, I thought I was the problem!

I was told I needed to ‘fix myself’ in some way to have what it was that I wanted… peace, love, belonging, joy, abundance. I had given my power away to everything and everyone.

I was doing so many things to try to ‘fix’ myself, but nothing was working, there had to be a better way!!

Then I was lucky enough to meet some very wise coaches. From them I learned that trying to fix or change my perceived problems only made them bigger … and that if I put my attention on what I wanted to experience/create instead of what I wanted to fix or change, I could start to have a life I loved. This is when everything shifted for me. This is when I was introduced to the Creative Structure. And this is what I will teach you.


Work with me, one on one, in private coaching to shift your perspective and current reality. Together, we will create space for you to go to the next level and step into your own authority and create a future that is filled with more of what you love.

Confidential, safe environment for you to thrive.

Schedule a time HERE to talk about what’s happening in your life.

Let the magic begin!!!



Schedule a time to share your story, and let’s talk about what’s important to you, and I’ll share how I can support you.



To learn how to experience abundance in a life you love. Experience health and vitality.

Live aligned with your true purpose.



Go to the next level and step into your own authority. Enjoy the benefits of feeling more vital and connected to your deepest desires and learn to powerfully create the life you love.

  • Linda Bayer is an amazing intuitive Coach. I was uncertain about my end result, and I was feeling sad and worried and a little depressed about achieving my creation. But after my intuitive session with Linda, I feel so confident, I believe in myself, and I feel happy and confident, and I trust in myself and my choices now fully knowing that I am a creator. Thank you, Linda You are amazing!!!


    Life Coach and Yoga Instructor

  • I am deeply grateful to Linda for the coaching sessions I have had with her. Linda's true, unique, open hearted and non-judgmental approach to the process created a beautiful container for the opening and unfolding of some very deep transformational work and growth in my life. Her compassion and love of each human being as a unique expression of the Divine, enabled me to deeply trust as she led me gently and reflectively through deep pockets of pain, resistance, and wounding in my healing journey. Her careful guidance, compassion and genuine love and respect for all parts of my being and the journey that led me to the healing path, enabled me to move through and release wounds in a beautiful and blessed way. I so appreciate the insights, knowledge and understanding I have gained through working with Linda. She openly shares her healing gifts in a gentle, humble, kind, and honest way. It is coupled with a delightful sense of wonder and of humor. She is a bright and shining light on my path …


  • I have had the good fortune to receive beautiful deep coaching and healings from Linda over the past few years. Her compassionate nature, angelic presence and grounded energy illuminates each session. I feel an ease expressing my innermost thoughts and feelings as she honors what I bring forward. Entering a session, she creates a sacred space enabling me to slow down and be present. She has a sincere desire to walk with me on my journey guiding me in a session using her intuitive skills. She is a profound healer. I have had many aha moments over the years during our time together. I feel blessed to receive healing from her.

    Aurora Culkin

    Intuitive Healer and Spiritual Director

Ready to discover the Core Beliefs Holding You Back from Living Your Best Life?

Are you feeling stuck in certain areas of your life? Are you feeling held back from pursuing your dreams? Are you experiencing unexplained pain and dissatisfaction? Unlock the Mystery of Your Core Beliefs through my transformative and insightful assessment.

A magical life is waiting for you, and I’m here to help you get there.

On the other side of this work is a life of joy, freedom, and peace that you never knew was possible.

I’m excited for you… your life is about to change in the most magical ways.

It did for me, and it can for you!

Schedule a time to talk about how I can support you.